Essentially, a kind of “greenhouse gas effect” is induced inside this device.Also, this heat must be trapped inside, and hence, the utensils are covered with a transparent glass surface or a plastic bag, by which the heat convection effect is reduced.

The dark-colored walls of the cooker convert the light rays into heat energy, which is ultimately used for the cooking process.An upper panel that consists of a polished mirror attached to the inner surface reflects the light rays, and concentrates them on the interior surface of the device. It directly uses the heat from the Sun’s rays for the cooking process.This device is used for cooking food in a large box-shaped structure which is coated with a black color for maximum heat absorption.The best applications of thermal energy that use the Sun as their heat source are: Solar Cooker Nowadays, environmentally conscious people are using solar power heaters more than the conventional electricity-powered ones. It is being used on a large scale for industrial as well as domestic heating purposes. This is perhaps the most commonly harnessed form of thermal energy. The application of direct heatis the simplest one, where an object is either hot by itself (like fire), or is heated by direct exposure to a naturally hot object (live coals). Chemical reactions are a common example of this type. Latent heat energy is the energy that an object absorbs or releases, and is associated with changes in phase and difference in temperature. Radiation occurs when heat is transmitted as waves from its source to other objects in the vicinity. Thermal energy can exist in the form of radiation, latent absorption, or be generated by the application of direct heat. There are many examples of the use of thermal energy in our day-to-day life. This causes the molecules to collide against each other with a great force, resulting in a lot of molecular friction, thus producing heat.

It is a kind of kinetic energy that is produced when the molecules of a heat-emitting body or object, experience an acceleration in their velocity, or an increase in their molecular activities. Thermal energy is produced by the heat that is given off from specific sources.