VERY GOOD BOOK! I reccomend reading it even if you saw all the main parts of this review. (Their names are Hollypaw, Lionpaw, and Jaypaw) And they are apparently prophecied to have great power) That's it, I guess. It refers that the "kin of the kin" is reffered to Squirrelflight and Brambleclaw's three kits, that they apparently had during the six month period betwen the book. From the sample chapter for "The Sight" at the end of the book. Which is sad, cuzhe was cool in the 5th book. Which leads me to believe he was responsible for the treachury caused at the end of the book.

xD Ashfur was horribly bitter about the Squirrelflight/Brambleclaw relationship. Creepy, but nice, the wonderful cat is still alive! I guess even the author that kills all the "cute cats" (if you read the innterview you'd understand) couldn't give her up for good. Cinderpelt in fact has not died, but has been "reincarnated" in one of Sorreltail's kits. Exciting! But the poor cat is left with horror at the end. He became deputy to Firestar, when Firestar realized Graystripe was dead(He isn't, but ah well, can't tell the cats that ) ) He had a hunger for power during the whole book, but it didn't bother him at the end, where he had the choice to kill Firestar to be leader, but he doesn't, and kills his brother instead. She has a new job to be part-time mentor of RiverClan's medicine cat apprentice Brambleclaw has shown whose side he is on. WARNING: MAJOR SPOILERS ARE CONTAINED IN THE REVIEW Leafpool seems to have given up on Crowfeather. Wow, this book was wonderful! I spent the day reading it, and the ending was the best part. now, all we can do is wait for the next series. but it is not to fret, because Sunset still gives readers a great time.
some readers may be dissapointed, as some arc story's in the series remain unsolved and new mystery's are introduced that will lead into the next series. the first part of the series starts off a bit slow but really picks up as it progresses leading to a startling ending that will leave readers breathless. but does evil truly run in Brambleclaws blood? will he become what he most hates? the spitting image of his father? meanwhile, as Leafpool must now take over as new medicine cat, she will learn shocking secrets, one that even concerns her mentor Cinderpelt.

his secret meetings with Tigerstar and his half brother Hawkfrost, threaten to be revealed and all along he tries to convince himself he would never turn like his father. after the devestating badger attack, Thunderclan is slowly reganing its strength whil Brambleclaw must deal with an inner conflict. Sunset, the final book in the New Prophecy series, brings old story arcs to an end and new mystery's that will be solved the next series, Power Of Three.